Monday, August 4, 2008

Blog: Course Reflection

What did you think of the course? The materials? The text books? Did you learn what you hoped to? What was missing? What was your favorite part of the course? How about your least favorite?

I did enjoy the content of the course. The projects were useful and helped to get the new material to sink in a little bit more. I can tell that I have a lot more practice to do, but feel that I have a solid start. The texts were good. My favorite part about the class is that it was "hands-on" and there was a lot of practice involved. My least favorite part about the class was the lack of discussion.


Pipa said...

I will have to agree with the interaction. But I guess, you win some you lose some. I like doing things on my schedule but so many times I really wanted to check what you guys were doing too... Like you're done and I just finished chapter 8. I didn't know how to start a discussion when I was curious on how you did this and that...

Pipa said...

I finally had a successful upload. Nice to have met you, albeit fleeting. Maybe next time our paths will cross again... Yeah, I jumped and registered for 12 units... I now have audio conference classes... More homework...

Anonymous said...

Update your blog, Amy!

Anonymous said...

Well, the idea of the blogs was that it gives every student the ability to start discussion... that doesn't seem to happen unless I get in the middle and promote discussion, which I didn't do this summer. Live and learn, I guess.

I guess I should have clearly stated that the place to start discussions was your blog! I guess I just assumed, and you know what they say about assuming...